Photo Album

Picture of students drawing posters for the party
Picture of students planning the Back to School party
Picture of a Back-To-School party poster drawn by one of our students
Picture of students making posters for the party
Picture of ASB students sitting and standing smiling big for the camera!
Picture of student looking surprised!
Picture of students smiling
Picture of new student "cheesing" it up for the camera
Picture of students lying down on the ground after playing a mystery game
Picture of student laying sprawled out on the ground following a mystery game
Picture of student smiling and laughing
Picture of student laughing as he plays the games
Picture of students collaborating on a game
Picture of students laying on the ground following the mystery game
Picture of student smiling after winning a round of a game
Picture of two students playing a game
Picture of student having a great time!
Picture of ASB President leading a "getting to know you" game
Picture of two students enjoying a game